
Build Pages With Blocks


Blocks are configurable sections of content with a predefined look and feel. All pages are made using these building blocks to ensure each page stays within with the overall design language of the site.

Content editors do not need to know how to code to create well-designed pages. Instead, Blocks contain a preset collection of fields that allow the page author to customize the content and media displayed.

A Page can contain any number of Blocks in any order.

Example of Blocks in a Page

A hypothetical product page could be made with the following blocks:

  • Hero Image - Quick visual introduction to the product.
  • Text - Text content describing the product.
  • Images - Collection of product images.
  • Text - Additional product information.
  • Call to Action - Link to sign up for the product or to get more information.

Additional blocks could be inserted anywhere within that list. The surrounding blocks will move around as necessary.