
Accessibility & ADA Compliance

Guidelines to maintain an accessible website and ADA compliance when making changes in Prismic.

In order to maintain an accessible website, content editors must ensure that their changes do not accidentally discriminate against or exclude people with disabilities. This article will provide Wall-to-Wall's recommended best practices for website accessibility and maintaining ADA compliance.

Note: The internet and ADA compliance are fluid standards, so these guidelines may not currently encompass new developments or technologies.

Additional breakdowns of specific guidelines can be found in WCAG, a set of accessibility standards determined by the World Wide Web Consortium.

Image Alt Text

When adding new images to the Media Library, always remember to enter a summarized description of the image. Descriptions allow screen reader users to glean the intent of images on a page.

Prismic UI alt text editor

Image Text: If the image you are adding contains text and that text is required to convey the meaning of the image to the reader, then the alt text must contain all the text in the image.

Color Contrast

Make sure that your visuals have enough contrast and color to be easily identifiable and distinguishable. This requirement isn’t very intensive, but when uploading new media, be sure that your image is clear and that text has enough contrast to be easily legible.

Within the documentation for individual slices, the Recommendations sections will let you know if there are contrast considerations when selecting an image or text color.