

A Page document represents a page on the site. All Page URLs are based on the UID field. For example, if the UID for a Page is about-us, the final URL will be /about-us.

Pages are managed in Prismic using three tabs: Main, Content, and SEO.

  • Main: Metadata about the page such as its title and URL.
  • Content: Page content such as images, text and video.
  • SEO: Fields to manage page SEO.

All pages start with the main header and end with the main footer.

Page content in the Content tab is created using Blocks.


NameName of the pageTitleYes
UIDUnique identifier. Determines final URL.IDYes


Meta TitleOverride the page title in search results.TextNo
Meta DescriptionShort description of the page's contentTextNo
Twitter Card ImageCard shown in Twitter share cards. Must be 800x418px.ImageNo
Open Graph ImageCard shown in other social media share cards. Must be 1200x627px.ImageNo