
Route Features


Non-repeatable fields

HeadingSelf descriptive.TextYes
Rich TextText with formatting optionsTextYes
Feature Number 1Number shown to the side of the first featureNumberYes
Feature Heading 1Heading shown for the first featureTextYes
Feature Image 1Image shown for the first featureImageYes
Feature Number 2Number shown to the side of the second featureNumberYes
Feature Heading 2Heading shown for the second featureTextYes
Feature Image 2Image shown for the second featureImageYes
Feature Number 3Number shown to the side of the third featureNumberYes
Feature Heading 3Heading shown for the third featureTextYes
Feature Image 3Image shown for the third featureImageYes

Repeatable fields

Each item in the repeatable section represents a landmark on the route.

Landmark ImageSelf descriptive.ImageNo
Landmark TitleSelf descriptive.TextNo
Landmark DescriptionSelf descriptive.TextNo